Stuart Devlin designed the FAO Commemoratives of 1983-84 World Fisheries Conference.
Said coşns were made in three types – all denominated at 500 Lira – in gold, silver and cupro-nickel.
Royal Mint lead a commemorative coin programme for the Conference being held in Rome, where twelve countries participated with coins.
The initial pieces were struck without any mint mark, however the pieces struck at the Royal Mint for sales outside Türkiye bear the logo with the Tower of London. Later, the Turkish State Mint also introduced their own mint-mark designed by Suat Özyönüm(*28, p. 73~75).
Stuart Leslie Devlin, an Australian by birth (1931 Geelong – Victoria), attended the Gordon Institute of Technology, specialising in gold and silversmithing. Later studies gold and silversmithing at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. He won a scholarship to the Royal College of Art in London and also a Harkness Fellowship at Columbia University in New York.
In 1982 he was awarded the royal warrant as goldsmith and jeweller to the Queen. He designed the commemorative coins for the 2000 Sydney Olympics. He also designed coins for around 30 different countries.
Stuart Devlin won the competition of 1964 for the design of the Australian coinage. The coins bear motifs of Australian native animals; such as a feather tail glider (1 c), a frilled lizard (2 c), an echidna (5c), a lyrebird (10 c), a platypus (20 c), Commonwealth Coat of Arms (50 c) and a mob of five kangaroos (1 $)
Hakkı Baha Çavuşgil, started working for the Turkish State Mint in 1979 and created dozens of circulation and commemorative coins until his death.
He graduated from Fine Arts Academy and created many sculptures, focusing on abstract figures.
His brief cv from the State Mint Website:
He was born on 15th of May, 1924 in Harput, Elazig. completed his primary and middle education in Canakkale, his high school in the capital; Financial Trade School of Ankara.
Enrolled to Academy of Fine Arts (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University today). Received lessons from Rudolf Belling and Zuhtu Muritoglu workshops, graduated sculpture programme in 1955. Also graduated Decoration and Ornamentation Arts Ceramics programme in 1957.
Studied in Italy under Italian Gov’t scholarship at Rome Istituto Centrale Del Restauro for five years.
Graduated Rome Medallion Arts School with honours (1962)
Staged dozens of exhibitions domestically and abroad, received several awards.
His creations while working for the State Mint:
1981 Centennary of Ataturk’s birth; Half (½) and whole 1 Lira silver and gold coins (*1)
1981 FAO World Food Day; 16th of October 20 Lira aluminium and 1.500 Lira silver coins
1982 Hicretin 15. Yüzyılı
1982 FAO 16 Ekim Dünya Besin Günü gümüş 1.500 Lira
1982 Dünya İzciliğinin 75. Yılı
1983 Anadolu Medeniyetleri Sergisi 500 Lira küpronikel ve 50.000 Lira altın
1983 Cumhuriyet’in 60. Yılı (İnsan figürlerinin taşıdığı Ay Yıldız desenli yazı tarafı, *2)
1984 Kış Olimpiyatları – Sarajevo, Bosna Hersek
1984 Yaz Olimpiyatları – Los Angeles, ABD
1985 Turgut Reis 500. doğum yılı gümüş 5.000 Lira ve altın 50.000 Lira
1986 Dünya Futbol Şampiyonası – Meksika (kaktüs figürlü gümüş ve altın, ayrıca futbolcu figürlü gümüş, toplam 3 hatıra para)
1986 Mehmet Akif Ersoy 50. Ölüm Yılı
1987 Ormancılığımızın 130 Yılı, “Yeşili Yaşat, Ormanı Koru” sloganlı biri gümüş, biri altın iki hatıra para
1988 Kış Olimpiyatları – Calgary, Kanada
1988 Yaz Olimpiyatları – Seul, Güney Kore
1988 Mavi Haliç, Büyük İstanbul Çevre Koruma Projesi, altın ve gümüş iki hatıra para
1989 İstanbul Metrosu
1989 Mimar Sinan 400. Anma Yılı (1.000 Liralık küpro-nikel, 20.000 Liralık gümüş ve 200.000 Liralık altın)
1990 Çanakkale Zaferi 75. Yıl gümüş ve altın iki hatıra para
1990 Parlamenter Demokraside 70. Yıl gümüş ve altın iki hatıra para
1990 Dünya Futbol Şampiyonası – İtalya (Romus & Romülüs’ü emziren kurt figürlü ve top süren bir futbolcu desenli iki gümüş para)
1991 Mozart 200. Ölüm Yılı – Saraydan Kız Kaçırma Operası – Topkapı Sarayı
1992 500 Years of Peace and Harmony – Turkish Jews (Sefarad Yahudileri Göçü’nün 500. Yıldönümü, küpronikel, gümüş ve altın)
1992 Cioacchino Rossini 200. Doğum Yılı
1992 Muhsin Ertuğrul 100. Doğum Yılı
1993 Türkiye Kızılay Derneği 125. Yıl (gümüş ve altın iki hatıra para)
1993 Cumhuriyet’in 70. Yılı
1993 Pyotr İliç Çaykovskiy 100. Ölüm Yılı
1994 GAP – Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi
1995 25.000 Lira tedavül
1995 25.000 Lira “Dünya Hoşgörü Yılı”
1995 Piri Reis (Gemiler ve Kaşifler Serisi No: 1) (gümüş ve altın iki hatıra para)
1995 FAO 50. Yıl
1996 Yaz Olimpiyatları – Atlanta, ABD
1996 Nasreddin Hoca – UNESCO Dünya Kahkaha Yılı (*3)
1996 Gümrük Birliği – Customs Union
1996 ECU
1997 Piri Reis (Gemiler ve Kaşifler Serisi No: 2) (1995’teki desen ile aynı ancak daha ufak bir altın para)
1997 Çin Seddi ve Toprak Asker Ordusu (İpek Yolu Serisi No: 1)
1997 Mehmet Akif Ersoy 60. Ölüm Yılı
1997 Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi – 1st World Air Games (Dünya Hava Oyunları,750.000 ve 1.500.000 Liralık iki gümüş *3)
1997 Barbaros Hayreddin Paşa Kaptan-ı Derya (Gemiler ve Kaşifler Serisi No: 3)
1997 Lidya Krallığı Kroisos
1997 Myra’lı Aziz Noel Baba € EURO
1998 Dünya Futbol Şampiyonası – Fransa
1998 Cumhuriyet’in 75. Yılı – Cumhuriyet ve Devrimler (Çağdaş Giyim Kuşam, Şapka Devrimi)
1998 Yaz Olimpiyatları 2000 – Halter
1999 Dünyada İlk Para Lidya (altın para 1997 tarihlidir)
1999 Uygur Bölgesi (İpek Yolu Serisi No: 2)
1999 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluşunun 700. yılı – Osman Gazi
2000 Bill Clinton’un Ziyareti (gümüş ve bimetal)
2001 Darphane’nin Kuruluşu 1467 Madalyonu
2001 Türkiye’nin Kuşları – Saz Horozu (Porphyrio Porphyrio)
2001 Türkiye’nin Kuşları – Yeşil Arıkuşu (Merops Superciliosus)
Born in 1950, the artist studied thatre in the Conservatory of Istanbul. Performed within Chamber Theater of Bursa, Community Centre Stage, Communal Education Theatre and Net Theater. COSKUN also opened art exhibitions in 1967 and 1970. He started working for the Turkish State Mint in 1979.
He designed the FAO commemorative coins of 1980 which bear fishermen pulling their net, superimposed over a Turbot fish. The motto on the 5 Kurus, two and a half liras and 5 Lira coins of this series reads “Kalkınma için Balıkçılık” Fishing for development. The signature of the artist can be seen in the tail of the turbot as “T. S. Coşkun”.
In 1980 when the artist moved to France, Paris Mint comissioned a medal with theme of Istanbul. His handiwork was awarded with a 4.000 Francs reward.
He then studied direct metal forming techniques and created solid bronze sculptures. He also applied his technique for producing medal moulds.
Some examples of his artwork:
The artist creates sculptures and drawings in Paris since 1980. During winter, he works on his drawings and patterns and in the summer period he makes sculptures outside Paris.
He gained fame as COSKUN and his sculptures carved out of wood brighten various pars around Paris.
Born in 1956, the artist worked at the State Mint between 1969 and 1997. Engin Akarslan is also the creator of the obverse design with the inscription “TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ” (Turkish Republic, Republic of Türkiye) and the wreath comprised of an ear of wheat and olive branch. This obverse pattern was used on many commemorative coins struck after 1979 (*1).
He also designed following commemoratives
Obverse of various commemorative coins firstly 1979 International Year of the Child
1985 40th anniversary of FAO
1992 30th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Türkiye
1994 Centenary of the International Olympic Committee
[1] (*27, foreword describing the “front face” of a commemorative).
Born in 1951, the artist enrolled in the Academy of Fine Arts in 1974. With encouragement from his professors Şadi Çalık and Hüseyin Gezer, he started working for the State Mint in 1977. However, he quit to focus on his studies. One year after graduating from the academy in 1980, he again joined the Mint staff. In 1986 he was sent to Italian Mint in Rome on a five-month programme to study contemporary coin making techniques.
Exhibitions he took part in:
1976 yılında Arkeoloji müzeleri açık hava resim sergisine katıldı.
1978 YDGSA Yüksek heykel bölümü öğrenci gurup sergisine katıldı.
1978 yılında Devlet resim heykel sergisine katıldı.
1979 yılında ilk kişisel heykel sergisini Nur Sanat Galerisi’nde açtı.
1979 yılında Devlet resim heykel sergisine katıldı.
1979 yılında 2. Sanat Bayramı etkinliklerine katıldı.
1981 yılında 3.İstanbul Sanat Bayramı “Yeni Eğilimler” Sergisine katıldı.
1981 yılında Maçka sanat galerisi çağdaş karma heykel sergisine katıldı.
1981 yılında Moda Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi’nde karma resim ve heykel sergisine katıldı.
1984 yılında 12.Uluslararası İstanbul Festivali “Günümüz Sanatçıları 5. İstanbul Sergisi” ne katıldı.
1993 yılında Sadberk Hanım Müzesi’nde Özgün Madalyon ve Heykel Sergisi açtı.
1994 yılında Foks Sanat Galerisi’nde heykel sergisi açtı.
2001 Akbank Sanat Merkezi’nde “Cumhuriyetin 78. Yılında Heykelle Buluşma” Sergisine katıldı.
Awards he received:
1979 yılında Osman Hamdi Heykel yarışmasında Birincilik ödülü aldı.
1987 yılında Başbakanlığın açtığı Devlet Madalya ve Nişanları yarışmasında 2 mansiyon kazandı.
Coins he designed and engraved during his tenure at the State Mint:
1977 FAO Herkese Ekmek ve Konut sloganlı akmonital 2½ ve 5 Liralar ile gümüş 50 Lira
1981 Uluslararası Sakatlar Yılı altın 30.000 Lira
1983 FAO 16 Ekim, Dünya Besin Günü gümüş 1.500 Lira
1983 Cumhuriyet’in 60. Yılı (Atatürk profili taşıyan tura tarafı, *1)
1984 1 Lira Atatürk portreli tura tarafı
1984 5 Lira Atatürk portreli tura tarafı
1984 10 Lira Atatürk portreli tura tarafı
1984 50 Lira Atatürk portreli tura tarafı
1984 100 Lira Atatürk portreli tura tarafı
1984 Birleşmiş Milletler Dünya Kadınlarının On Yılı
1984 Türk Kadınına Seçme ve Seçilme Hakkının 50. Yılı
1984 20 Lira Atatürk portreli tura tarafı
1985 25 Lira Atatürk portreli tura tarafı
1985 FAO IX 9. Ormancılık Konferansı – Meksika
1985 Dünya Gençlik Yılı
1986 “Yurtta Sulh Cihanda Sulh” sloganlı Dünya Barış Yılı
2002 Türkiye’nin Çiçekleri – Antalya Süseni (Iris Pamphylica)
2004 Binyılın Türk’leri – Nazım Hikmet Ran
2005 T.B.M.M. Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi 85. Milli Egemenlik Yılı
2005 tedavül paralarından 1, 5 ve 10 Kuruşların tura yüzünde yer alan Atatürk portreleri
2009 tedavül paralarının tamamında (1, 5, 10, 25 ve 50 Kuruş ile 1 Lira) tura yüzünde yer alan, ilk olarak 1984 yılı 1, 5, 10, 20 ve 50 Liralıklarda yer alan Mustafa Kemal Atatürk portresi.
İlk kez 1984 yılı FAO Balıkçılık altın parasının yazı yüzünde kullanılan ve 1984’ten itibaren para setlerinde görülen Darphane logosu kendisinin eseridir (*27, Sf. 73, 74 & 75).
Darphane’deki diğer eserleri:
TBMM Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi madalyonu
NATO’nun 40. yıldönümü, “Özgürlük içinde Barış” sloganlı hatıra madalyonu
1990 “İnsanı Sev Çavreni Koru” ve “Herşey İnsan İçindir – Çevre Emanettir” sloganlı madalyon
1998 Habitat II İstanbul Kent Zirvesi madalyonu
İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi altın kaplama şehrin anahtarı ve kutusu
[2]Darphane çalışanları 23 Haziran – 19 Ekim 1988 tarihleri arasında greve gittiklerinden, bazı tedavül paralarını basma işi Meksika Darphanesine ihale edildi. 1988 tarihli 10 Milyon adet 100 Lira ile 1989 tarihli yaklaşık 66 milyon adet 500 Lira, İstanbul’da üretilen kalıplar ile Meksika’da darp edildi. Üretilen tedavül paralarına ek olarak biner adet gümüş 100 ve 500 Lira hatıra para basıldı. Bir süre Darphane bünyesinde saklanan bu hatıra paralar 1995’te kayıtlı koleksiyonerlere, birer adet kontenjan ile satışa sunuldu (*27, Sf. 100).
* Cumhuriyet dönemi Türk paralarının tasarımında emeği olan diğer sanatçılar için tıklayın.
Isa Avni Kumuk, was born in 1934 in Samsun to a family of Caucasian descent. He was involved with his family business of jevellry-making at the early age of six. He was quite interested and competent in maths during elementary school and and was even nicknamed Pisagor (Pythagoras). after his graduation from high school in 1953, he started his own workshop at the Grand Bazaar as a jevellry-maker and engraver. He was admitted to Istanbul Technical University as the 12th applicant.
He worked for the Turkish State Mint between 1964 and 1976 first as a technical personnel, later as the head of engraving workshop and technical consultant. During his service, he was appointed to examine the Spoonmaker’s Diamond to authenticate and measure its dimensions.
He designed many circulation and commemorative coins after 1970. His technique was compared to Giampaoli‘s.
50 Kurus piece released in 1971 was his handiwork. After visiting an exhibition of traditional Anatolian clothes, administrators of the mint asked him to come up with a portrait of a woman in traditional Anatolian head dress. The owner of said exhibition Sabiha Tansug was photographed in the Ankara Headpiece, but in order not to portrait any significant person, Avni Kumuk cut out her face and completed the portrait with an imaginary average Turkish woman.
Around 1976, the head of the State mint – also a prominent poet Cemal Süreya – was instructed to decommission old machinery of the mint. Avni Kumuk convinced him to keep the machinery for display.
After his work at the Mint had ended, in 1982, he started his own company called International Goldart İstanbul, and produced over 700 medals, badges, pins and emblems ordered by several private companies and Turkish Numismatics Association. He received several awards by Turkish and international, private and public institutions.
Commemorative and circulation coins he designed and produced:
25 Lira silver coin commemorating the 50th anniversary of the TBMM – Grand National Assembly of Turkey
Acmonital 2½ Lira with the obverse bearing Ataturk on a tractor; minted part of the FAO programme.
50 Lira silver coin commemorating 900 years of Battle of Manzikert
Bronze 10 Kr, Ataturk on a tractor; part of FAO programme,
Acmonital 50 Kr circulation piece with a woman wearing Anatolian headdrress.
silver 50 Lira commemorating 50th anniversary of the Victory of August the 30th
golden medals commemorating victory of Battle of Dumlupınar
50 and 100 Lira silver and 500 Lira gold coins commemorating 50th anniversary of the Republic
5 Lira circulation piece bearing Ataturk’s statue in Samsun
Aluminium 5 Kurus part of FAO programme
Aluminium 5 and 10 Kr and acmonital 5 Lira of the FAO series
FAO acmonital 50 Kurus, 1 and 2½ Lira
FAO acmonital 5 Lira and silver 150 Lira
FAO gold 500 Lira,
FAO gold 1.000 Lira
FAO bronze and aluminium 1 Kuruş
FAO acmonital 50 Kuruş and 1 Lira,
FAO acmonital 2½ and 5, also silver 150 Lira
FAO gold 500 Lira,
FAO gold 1.000 Lira,
FAO bronze 10, acmonital 50 Kurus and 1 Lira,
FAO gold 500 Lira
Some of the medals he produced:
for the Turkish Armed Forces:
First and Second degree Honour Medals
First and Second degree Pride Medals
Medal of Distinguished Service
First and Second degree War Medals
Emblem of the Turkish Army (Turkish Land Forces)
Turkish Army commemorative medallion
for various establishments:
commemorative medallion for the 500th anniversary of the conquest of Constantinople / İstanbul
commemorative medallion for the inauguration of 15 July Martyrs Bridge (named Bosphorus Bridge when first opened)
commemorative medallion for the inauguration of Haliç (Golden Horn) Bridge
medallion commemorating Saudi King Faisal’s visit to Türkiye
medallion commemorating Islamic Conference in Istanbul
Avni Kumuk was also interested in painting, he was not only a skillful artist, but also a competent engineer. After the intervention to Cyprus by Turkey in 1974, he contributed to complicated parts the defence industry needed and that had to be domestically produced.
He was a member of the industrial advisory committee of ITU Mechanical Engineering Faculty. He assisted many public and private companies with their intricate designs of parts and dyes.
Father of 2 sons, Avni Kumuk worked until his last minute with the principle of giving back to the society.